
week 12

Our Last teaching Activity Fernanda and I presented our final teaching activity for this class. The target content is "Computers and technology today in our lives" for ninth graders. As usual we used technological tools to make the class more dynamic. This is my last report on this course I'm happy that we learned a lot and did a good job! Valeria Zúñiga

Week 11

Continuing the Teaching Activities Today our classmates presented their micro-teachings, they have great ideas and some really useful  websites we're sure we will be usgin in the future. We were discussing about what we have learned and it is clear to see that all of this classes are going to be useful for us one day. Fernanda and Valeria.

Week 10

The day of  Truth Today we presented our microteaching of the target content: "Identification of oneself to others" for seventh graders. We had many different activities, such as hot potato, all the way to using Kahoot to evaluate a learning activity. Valeria Zúñiga

Week 9

The Begining of the Microteachings Today groups 1 and 2 presented their teaching activities, next week is our turn to do it! 

Week 8

The Use of Internet I have to admit I didn't come to class this day! But it was an unavoidable situtation :( Also... I think the teacher gave back the second quiz on this day beacause I don't have it! I have no idea how I did to be honest. Valeria Zúñiga

Week 7

Presenting the Second Project This poject had to be based on the "Programas de Inglés para educación tecnica" we exactly took it from here . On page 68 we found this. Afterwards we came up with the idea of the students creating their ideal holiday destination, they would have to describe the country, the prices, culture, leisure activities and why they would like to go there creating an emaze  presentation. This webpage is an amazing online tool to create presentations, we got away from what we usually do on PPP or prezi. This page has amazing 3D animations and many ways of personalizing the presentations. We presented this example. And our classmates also presented their own amazing ideas.  Valeria Zúñiga

Week 6

Of working on the project and having a quiz We worked in our groups again to prepare our project 2 presentation for the next class, and then we had the quiz of the readinf of  Use of Technology in English Language Teaching and Learning . I think I did well but oh the suspense... I will have to wait and see how I really did.  Valeria Zúñiga